for our Parent-Child Spanish Immersion Class!

Join us in Canta y Baila conmigo this Fall for Vamos a la mar!

Join us for an exciting class where music learning goes hand in hand with Spanish immersion. Canta y Baila Conmigo classes are for children age 0-5 and their caregivers.

Take a journey into Spanish language and its cultures through the magical world of music. With Canta y Baila Conmigo® you and your child will be transported as you sing, dance and play along to the irresistible sounds and rhythms of Spanish speaking countries.

Join us as we find fish and other sea creatures everywhere we look! This fall we will sing about animals that live in our home, such as cats, dogs...and mice! We will play a variety of instruments-- especially drums! We hope you will come join us as we take you on a musical journey to the sea with Vamos a la mar!

¿Qué es Canta y Baila Conmigo®?

Canta y Baila Conmigo® es una clase de música para niños hasta los 5 años de edad acompañados por un adulto. Esta clase está diseñada para fomentar tanto el desarrollo del idioma español como la destreza cultural de los niños a través de canciones infantiles y música tradicional de España y Latinoamérica. Es ideal para familias bilingües que buscan un ámbito auténtico donde compartir en español con sus niños así como con otros miembros de la comunidad hispanoparlante.

En Vamos a la mar varios temas favoritos de los niños permean esta colección. Encontrarán peces y otras criaturas marinas por todas partes. También cantaremos sobre animales que viven en nuestro hogar como gatos, perros… ¡y hasta ratones! Viajaremos en varios medios de transporte, incluyendo barquitos, coches y trenes. Tocaremos una variedad de instrumentos – sobre todo los tambores. Esperamos que disfruten nuestra colección Vamos a la mar.

Cost $250 for children 9 months- 5 years

10-week program (one 40-minute class per week)

Additional siblings $150 (under 8 months free)

Class Dates/Times:

Monday 6pm Oct. 16th-Dec. 18th

Wednesday 10am Oct. 18th-Dec. 20th

Classes will be held at Hilltop Plaza 143 Troy Schenectady Rd. at the church 4 doors down from Little Llamas, Inc.


Our roots are deeply grounded in play. Here at Little Llamas Inc., we believe children learn best through meaningful play experiences. Everything your child needs to know before entering kindergarten can be learned in a playful manner. Even a second language can be learned through meaningful play experiences. Do not let the fact that we teach Spanish deter you from our program. We are a bilingual school, meaning the children first learn in English and then learn in Spanish. We are training their young ears to become familiar with the language and welcome it as a normal part of their day. Our program is perfect for all children, including those that do not speak English at home and children with speech difficulties. Young children who go to Little Llamas get the tools and support they need for their healthy development. All activities are carefully designed to adequately nurture the emotional, intellectual, and physical growth of our children. Through stimulating situations and hands-on learning opportunities, children are free to develop their bright, young minds.


Señora Marisol

Director/Lead Teacher

Señora Marisol has over 25 years of experience in the field of Early Childhood Education. She holds an A.S. in Early Childhood Education, a B.A. in Psychology, a Master's in Education, and a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies in Educational Leadership. Most recently Señora has become a Wunderled Approach Certified Teacher, as well as a Certified Canta y Baila Conmigo Educator!

Señora owned and operated Little Tot Nursery School in Troy, NY from 2001-2020. As a child, Señora went to Little Tot's and then returned as a student intern while in high school. After college, Señora Marisol purchased the school and was able to implement a successful play-based curriculum that included an introduction to Spanish. Señora brought Little Tot to its 50th year in the community, before closing and relocating to the Latham, NY area.

Many students reached out to Señora when they learned Little Tot's had closed. Señora realized many of the students mentioned how they loved the Spanish lessons, remembered the Spanish songs and some even went on to get degrees in Spanish at college. This is when the idea of opening a bilingual school was born. Señora's vision for this school was that it would offer the same successful play-based preschool program as she did at Little Tot Nursery School, but also incorporate more Spanish instruction in class as well as, parent/child classes, and music classes. Señora is excited and looks forward to offering the first play based bilingual children's program in the area!

Señora V

Viridiana Guimbarda

Spanish Teacher

Señora V has over 15 years of experience working with children. She completed a Master's Degree in Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities. She is a certified Canta y Baila Conmigo Educator and looks forward to providing these classes to the community!

Señora V has lived in the United States for 4 years, she is originally from Mexico her native language is Spanish. She is the mother of 3 children. She met
Señora Marisol when enrolling her youngest daughter at Little Llamas.
Señora V fell in love with the warmth of the institution and the bilingual teaching. She loves working with children. She considers that one of the most important things when working with children is to provide them with a warm and respectful environment, where children are listened to and can develop according to each one's abilities. Señora V is full of energy, she loves to sing, dance, play, and make children learn and have fun at the same time. She is very excited to work at little llamas and be part of the bilingual education of the children.

Miss Julia


With a nurturing personality and hands-on approach toward learning, we are thrilled to have Miss Julia as part of our program. Miss Julia has known Señora Marisol for over 10 years now. They first met when Miss Julia enrolled her oldest daughter at Little Tot Nursery School. When her youngest daughter started attending, an opening for an assistant teacher became available. Miss Julia inquired, tried out the position, and quickly became a crucial part of the team. Miss Julia's love for puzzles, reading, and art were hits with the children. Her calm manner and encouraging attitude made for the perfect balance in the classroom. When Señora told Miss Julia about Little Llamas, she jumped right on board. Miss Julia recently completed her Wunderled Approach Certification and looks forward to applying what she learned!


"I had 2 sons go through Little Tot (Now know as Little Llamas). Ms. Borrero created an amazing environment of play and discovery that was perfect for their development. They loved learning with her and she was sure to let me know everything they were accomplishing during their time with her. We couldn’t have asked for a better start to their educations."

Bethany Cruson

"Little Llamas Bilingual Children's School, Inc. Formally known as Little Tots was the first school my two older children attended. They both still have fond memories of all the fun things they learned there!! Marisol and all her assistants were not only smart but made it fun for my children to learn and grow.

My daughter was the youngest Little Tot to attend...she didn't want to leave her big brother!! I can absolutely not wait to send my new little guy to the new school when he is ready! We thank you for all the memories and memories to come!"

Love Christine ,Dale, Miles, Lily and Gunner ❤❤

"Marisol Borrero's school is a great place to learn as I was a former student teacher. Instead of workbooks and common core her school's philosophy is set around play. There is no end to what she comes up with. Sometimes parents get nervous about their kids just playing, and then they observe play and see their child is learning more than any other workbook could teach. Her school is very unique and remarkable. Children really do learn through play and I saw it firsthan. I would recommend this school to anyone. Keeping a child’s imagination alive is something anyone should want to do.

Brittany Robinson

Your Child Will Thrive By:

  • Being Taught By Experienced and Loving Teachers!

  • Gaining Confidence In a Healthy & Safe Environment!

We keep our preschool clean and sanitized, and we follow all local health & safety guidelines.

  • Receiving Individualized Curriculum to Be Prepared for Kindergarten!

Regardless of where your child is at, we will help your preschooler develop all of their social, emotional, cognitive, physical, and language skills so they’re more than ready for Kindergarten!


Is this a daycare center?

NO! Little Llamas, Inc. is a half day Nursery School Program and Pre-K. We do not offer daycare services or full-time care.

How will your program prepare my child for school if they are always playing?

Play is the work of childhood! We prepare the classroom with meaningful play experiences that will help develop your child's fine motor skills, gross motor skills, sensory skills, and social-emotional skills. Through these play experiences and activities, your child will learn all the skills needed to prepare for kindergarten. Some of these skills include writing their name, recognizing letters and numbers, appropriate social interactions, and self-help skills just to name a few.

Will learning Spanish confuse my child? What if my child does not speak English or Spanish? What if my child had a speech delay?

We are a bilingual school, meaning both English and Spanish are taught. The children will learn all words in English first and then in Spanish. Learning a second language will not hinder your child's development. In fact, it will enhance it! Much research proves that learning a second language has significant socio-cognitive advantages. Keep in mind that your child will come to us already speaking/or having heard their primary language, for 18 months or more. ​

If your child speaks a language other than English or Spanish, they will still benefit greatly from our program. Again, we are a bilingual school, so everything is taught in English first! You will see that your child will pick up English quickly. However, it has been my experience that my students who do not speak English or Spanish at home actually pick up both new languages easily.

​If your child has a speech delay, being in a bilingual program will not cause them to become more delayed. If you think about it, your child may have not spoken a word for their first 18 months of life. But the information is in their mind. Many parents report that their child went from not speaking to speaking full sentences. During their time at Little Llamas, your child may not speak Spanish at all. Some may not speak it until the end of the year or their second year in the program. But again, the knowledge will be stored in their mind and when they are ready to use it they will!

Does my child need to be potty trained?

Children begin our program at many different points in their potty training journey. Our staff is very skilled at supporting this process. Please leave 2 full sets of clothing at the school along with pull-ups/diapers and wipes. We also accommodate children in cloth diapers.

Do I need to provide school supplies or snacks for my child?

Yes. A small school supply list will be provided once your child is enrolled. The list will consist of consumable products such as glue, sanitizer, tissues, etc.

​Each month parents will send in one box of snacks or fresh fruit/veggies. There will be a signup sheet where parents can choose what item they would like to send in. The list will include only safe items, all children can eat. Once we know what allergies, if any, our students have, the snack list will be posted. The easiest way to remember to send a snack is to bring it in on the first of the month with your tuition. Goldfish, graham crackers, pretzels, and nilla wafers are always a class favorite. Fresh fruit, veggies, and yogurt are best scattered throughout the month.

​We always try to make our snack list Allergy Friendly. However, some families feel more comfortable providing their own snacks each day for their children. This is perfectly fine. We want everyone to feel safe and comfortable while at school.

​For birthday's you can send in a special snack for the entire class, but we need to be mindful of allergies. Again, once the class is formed we will have more information on student allergies. I have had parents in the past who would send in a special snack for their child with an allergy on special occasions like birthdays and celebrations.

Will my child get dirty?

The simple answer to this is Yes! The children will have open access to the painting easels each day. And, although we have smocks, children tend to find them disruptive to their creative process and do not wear them. Play clothes are highly encouraged. Please do not send children to school in their best outfits. All our paint is supposed to be washable, yet some colors tend to stain. We will also go out on the playground each day, weather permitting.

Are you open year-round? What other programs do you offer?

Our preschool is a half-day program that runs for 10 months from September to mid-June. We offer a 4-6 week summer camp for our preschoolers as well as, parents' night out, art classes, music classes, Spanish classes for elementary-aged children, and virtual classes!

What preschool curriculum do you use? Do you offer programs for older children?

We use a variety of resources and teaching methods in our program. Because each child is unique, we feel that one size does not fit all. We are a play-based program, but we use techniques and strategies from Montessori, Waldorf, Reggio Emilia, and other developmentally appropriate programs.

​Your child will participate in an array of fine motor activities that will prepare them for handwriting. The handwriting program we have successfully used for over 20 years is Learning without Tears. Students will first learn to write their capitals and then progress to lowercase. Progression is based on each individual child's ability.

​The children will participate in a variety of open-ended art projects, as well as teacher-directed art projects that will focus on specific skills. Some of the skills include cutting, gluing, tearing, drawing, coloring, etc.

​Both art and handwriting are done individually during free play. We feel this works best, as each child has their own unique set of skills they come to us with. This also allows us to individualize these activities and appropriately challenge each child according to their skills. By mid-year, the children usually find a friend they wish to work with during this time. This is fine and we will still be able to meet each child's needs.

​During circle time we will introduce the alphabet and the letter sounds, along with numbers, shapes, colors, Spanish words/songs, poems, finger plays, stories, calendar, weather, games, and musical activities.

Our Spanish curriculum is a combination of various techniques we have learned over the years. Our main focus will be colors, numbers, shapes, the alphabet, songs, feelings, animals, foods, holidays, family, clothing, body parts, calendar, and weather.

Your Child Will Develop ALL the Skills Needed for Success!

In our preschool, we teach all the skills below in an engaging, hands-on way!

  • Fine Motor Skills
  • Language Skills
  • Gross Motor Skills
  • Problem Solving Skills
  • Emotional Skills
  • Literacy Skills
  • Life Skills
  • Math Skills
  • Social Skills




Nursery School Program

A gentle introduction to preschool.

​Our Nursery School Program meets 2 days a week in the morning from 9:15 am-

noon. This program is ideal for children ages 18 months-3 years old. Children will be able

to explore the classroom at their own pace, explore a variety of art experiences, participate in

music and movement, and begin to explore socializing with classmates! During circle time and

throughout the day we will focus on language development through songs, fingerplays, and

stories. We will also focus on large motor and fine motor development and

sensory experiences. Becoming independent is a big focus for this class. They will learn to do

many self-help skills such as putting on their coats, cleaning up, and washing their hands, just to name

a few. The children in our Nursery School Program will receive a light introduction to Spanish.

They will learn their colors, numbers, animals, and a variety of commands in Spanish. For many,

this will be their first time away from home. It is our goal that our Nursery School children see

Little Llamas as their home away from home!

Non-Refundable Registration Fee: $75

Hours: 9:15 am-noon on Tues/Thurs.

Tuition Rates: $190 per month


Pre-K Program

The work of childhood.

Our Pre-K Program meets 3 or 5 days a week from 9:15 am-noon.

This program is ideal for children ages 3.5 - 5 years old. During our Pre-K class, the

children will be able to explore the classroom and participate in a variety of open-ended and

focused art experiences. They will learn to cut, color, paste, glue, paint, draw, build, trace, and

much more. We work with our students on individual bases when it comes to art and

handwriting. All children are unique and this allows us to meet each child's needs. They will

also engage in an array of fine and gross motor activities that will help prepare their bodies and

hands for the demands of today's kindergarten. The children will learn many songs, poems, and

finger plays, as well as a variety of Spanish vocabulary and songs. Some

topics we will cover in Spanish are colors, numbers, shapes, days of the week, months, animals,

commands, weather, seasons, family members, and the alphabet.

Our Pre-K students will also be introduced to math concepts, science, social studies,

music/movement, pre-reading, and beginning phonics. Our 4 year old's (and 3 year old's who are ready) will

learn to write the letters of the alphabet and their names using the Learning Without Tears


Non-Refundable Registration Fee: $75

Hours: 9:15 am-noon

Tuition Rates:
M/W/F $250 per month

M-F $340 per month


And Because We Always Overdeliver...


Space is limited...


Call Us Now to Schedule a Tour and Reserve Your Spot:

(518) 302-2388

Little Llamas, Inc. is conveniently located on the border of Watervliet and Latham, NY in Hilltop Plaza

143 Troy Schenectady Rd Ste 5, Watervliet, NY 12189